January 2024
Troubled Cities is my new book of short stories, published on 12th January 24. There's more about it on this page.
December 2022
Supercute Second Future has now been published. It's the sequel to my last book, Supercute Futures. Availabe in bookshops and all round the world on Amazon.
More about the book, and some sales links, on this page.
April 2022
Thraxas Meets His Enemies, the 12th book in the series, is now available as an ebook as well as in paperback. Ebook links –
Amazon Kindle (US)
Amazon Kindle (UK)
Apple iBookstore
More about Thraxas at thraxas.com
April 2022
I just published a new Thraxas book. I write the Thraxas series under the name of Martin Scott. Thraxas Meets His Enemies, the 12th book in the series, is now available as a paperback.
You can order it from Amazon, and also order it from bookshops in the UK and US.
Amazon UK -- Amazon US
More about Thraxas at thraxas.com
February 2022
There will be a new Thraxas book soon – Thraxas Meets His Enemies. Either this month, or March.
Also, Supercute Second Future, a sequel to Supercute Futures, will be appearing in a few months.
August 2020
Simulation Bleed now published as paperback and ebook. This is a novelisation of my web series. 'Due to certain peculiarities in the manner of their lives and deaths, Mixt and Nakishdan hunt through time for Geeda Lala, a mysterious interloper with a penchant for punk rock gigs in the 70s. Accompanying them is Rainith the Red, an unfriendly fairy with a sharp sword. Hindering them are psychological problems, hostile flying snakes, and 102 Wuu.' Amazon UK
March 2020
Heres'a new edition of my graphic novel, Lux and Alby Sign On and Save the Universe. This has been out of print for a long time and it's great to have it available again. I wrote this in the 90s and the art is by Simon Fraser. It's out in paperback and also as an ebook. Amazon
April 2019
Suzy, Led Zeppelin and Me. My schooldays in Glasgow, and the mighty Led Zeppelin are coming to play. I always liked this book but it had an unfortunate history. Shorty after it was published in 2002, the publisher went out of business. The book disappeared almost as soon as it arrived. Counterpoint did do a decent American edition, but the book has been out of print in Britain for a long time. I've now brought it back into print. While preparing the book, I read through it with some trepidation, wondering how often I'd be shaking my head muttering 'What was I thinking when I wrote this?' But that didn't happen too often and I still liked it, which was a relief. Amazon
January 2019
I just published a new Thraxas book. I write the Thraxas series under the name of Martin Scott. Thraxas of Turai, the 11th book in the series, is now available as a paperback and ebook. More details at thraxas.com
amazon.com - amazon.co.uk
amazon.com - amazon.co.uk
September 2018
My new book, Supercute Futures has now been published. Available as paperback and ebook in the UK and some other territories. On sale in the US as ebook now, with the paperback following next year.
June 2018
My new book, Supercute Futures will be published in August by Piatkus.
The book is set some time in the future, and concerns Mox and Mitsu, two women who own Supercute Enterprises, a gigantic organisation whose promotion of cute clothes, toys and the supercute fairy realm provide some relief from the grim conditions in most parts of the world.
March 2018
My new book, 'Supercute Futures,' will be published by Piatkus in the UK in August.
Mox and Mitsu, owners of the huge Supercute Empire, find themselves under attack by their bitter rivel Moe Bennie. For years they've dominated their ravaged world by having the cutest clothes and cuddliest toys, but now they're obliged to revert to armed violence, something at which they're surprisingly adept. Faced with an overwhelming cyber-assault, hostile drones in the air and mercenaries in the radioactive tunnels below, Supercute are desperately struggling to stay alive, with their empire intact and their make-up in good repair.
From the publisher's website - 'A glorious offbeat mix of manga and cyberpunk, this latest by acclaimed author Martin Millar is an unforgettable and timely work of dystopian fiction. A magnificent juxtaposition of determinedly cute, bright and entertaining creatures against the background of a slowly decaying world, this manages to highlight everything that is both terrifying and inspiring about the human condition.'
ISBN: 9780349419343
Contact at publisher - Anna Boatman - anna.boatman@littlebrown.co.uk
October 2017
I've completed a new book, 'Supercute Futures,' which should be published by Piatkus around July 18.
Thraxas books 7 & 8 has now been published as a paperback, meaning the whole series is now available as paperbacks and ebooks.
More details at thraxas.com